Find  your place  in  God’s story 

Life is messy and sometimes doesn’t go as planned. At Two Rivers Church, we’ll meet you where you are because we believe God will meet you there too.

Jon Teague - March 23, 2025

Seek First | The Narrow Road

Are you following the crowd on the easy road—or surrendering everything to walk the narrow path that leads to life?

From Series: "Seek First"

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 Connect  With Us

Are you looking to connect with someone outside the walls where you live? Same! Click the button below and introduce yourself to our team. We would love to meet you and answer any questions you may have about the church, life or anything on your mind.

We also know this is a potentially tough time for you. If you have a physical need, please click the button below to let us know so we can help you through it.

Here’s where you can find us


Our Sunday worship gatherings happen at 9:15 and 10:45am at Ooltewah Elementary School.

8890 Snowy Owl Road Ooltewah, TN 37363


During the week, we gather at our Ministry Center.

6615 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd. Ooltewah, TN 37363

We are ready to build the home of Two Rivers Church.

Get  Prayer 

Can we pray for you? Or is there some tangible way we can help you? Please click the link below and let us know how we can walk with you.

We are also creating a Prayer Guide each week. Follow along with us by clicking below.

Give  Online 

Thank you to all who give consistently and sacrificially to fuel the mission of God at Two Cities. We are proud and blessed to have such a generous church.

Every month, 85% of giving happens online. We are asking those who usually give in one of our services to change their giving method for a short time to offset our inability to receive those gifts at our weekend gatherings.

Join us this Sunday for Worship Together Sunday with ONE special sercie at 10:45am - let's gather as one familly to worhip and celebrate all that God is doing! 

8890 Snowy Owl Rd. 

Ooltewah, TN 37363

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