We have a new group starting this month that we are really excited about!
Have you ever found yourself asking, “Is this it? Is this all the Christian life is supposed to be?” Do you long to experience more of God’s presence, but just don’t know how to get there.  Maybe you have been burned by “charismania.”  Maybe you are leery of any discussion of hearing a voice of a person you cannot see, even if it is God.  Is there a way to experience the Spirit without the weirdness?

Author and pastor Alan Kraft’s book More: When a Little Bit of the Spirit is Not Enough will guide our discussions about how prayer can be life-changing and life-giving.

This book promises to provide a biblical pathway into the exhilaration of an everyday experience with the Holy Spirit, showing how normal it can be to hear His voice, know His love, and walk in His power.

  • Learn how to hear God speak in personal ways and how to discern His voice.
  • Understand and experience what it means to be filled with the Spirit.
  • Be inspired and equipped to pray for the sick, without feeling awkward or demanding.
  • Relax about topics like prophecy and speaking in tongues, rather than feeling defensive or afraid.
Everyone is welcome! Come with your questions; come with your doubts.  Let’s discover MORE together!
Where: OES
When: during 11AM service on Sundays
Questions? Contact Shelly at shelly.pankratz@gmail.com

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 or 10:45am!


8890 Snowy Owl Rd. 

Ooltewah, TN 37363

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