COVID-19 Updates

Update: 3/17 | 5:30pm

Hello Two Rivers Family! Here’s an update:

Gatherings: In accordance with local and federal agencies we are cancelling all in-person gatherings. This includes worship gatherings at Ooltewah Elementary School (through April 13 at least), as well as all small group gatherings in homes or the church office. 

Groups: Check with your leader to see if he/she is offering an online gathering.

Men: There will be no Q&A at the office on Tuesday night, March 17.

Office Hours: The office will have limited hours during the week. Part-time staff are working remotely. We are accessible by email and Realm.

Livestream – Did you join us for our first ever livestream on Facebook?! We’ll be back online this Sunday, March 22 at 11am. Here’s that link:

You can also find that message at or our youtube page.

We will keep you updated through posts on social media, the Realm and

We hope to see you online this Sunday at 11am! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything!

Update: 3/14 | 12:15pm

Hello Two Rivers Family! Here’s an update on all church activities:

Sunday, March 15 at 11am – No worship gathering at OES. We will be hosting a Livestream message on our Two Rivers Church Chattanooga Facebook page. Everyone should be able to access the page at this address:

[If that link doesn’t work, check back here for an updated link to get you the feed.]

You can read our 3/12 update below for ideas on how to leverage that livestream time.

Small Groups – 
Co-ed Groups: Your leader will connect with you about your group.

Men’s Groups: You are done for the semester. Isaac Lockman will be at the church office on Tuesday, March 17 at 7pm for any men who would like to ask questions and connect about how to walk by faith even in uncertain times.

Women’s Groups: Most groups reached a good stopping point and are done for the semester.

We truly believe God is at work in this! Let’s use this as an opportunity to see Him to do something new. Be thinking about some creative ways you can continue to connect with one another!

We will keep you updated through posts on social media, the Realm and

We hope to see you online this Sunday at 11am!

Update: 3/12 | 8pm

Hello Two Rivers Family! As you may have heard, Hamilton County Schools will be closed March 17-30, and school activities have been cancelled. This closing also means that no outside organizations will be allowed to use school property during this timeframe. Therefore, Two Rivers Church will not be allowed to gather at Ooltewah Elementary School on March 15, March 22 and March 29.

This is disappointing, but understandable. We’re disappointed because we are the Church, and gathering is what we do! But we also understand and respect the local authorities as they seek to serve our community and minimize the spread of the coronavirus.

So here’s the plan…

On Sunday, March 15 at 11am we will host a gathering…of sorts! We will be livestreaming a message about how we navigate uncharted waters like this.

We are inviting you to enjoy a slower, perhaps quieter, Sunday morning (parents…maybe?!). Grab a cup of coffee. Turn on a worship playlist (Two Rivers Worship on Spotify). Gather your family (stay in your pjs) or even gather some friends (they can come in their pjs too!) And then around 11am, join us on our Two Rivers Church Chattanooga facebook page.

We truly believe God is at work in this! Let’s use this as an opportunity to see Him to do something new.

And parents, we’ve got you covered! Did you know you can access the 2RCKids lesson on your phone through the Parent Cue app? Once you connect to our church, you can watch the fun videos and then talk through the key verse and discussion question. In addition, your children may be asking questions or feeling anxious about what’s going on right now. Here are links to some simple resources on how to start a conversation about anxiety with your child in preschool or elementary school.

We will keep you updated about the coming weeks through posts on social media, the Realm and

I hope to see you online this Sunday at 11am!

With You,

Pastor Chris

March 12 | 2pm

Dear 2RC Family,

As we learn more about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tennessee, we know that this news will raise questions and concerns about next steps at Two Rivers. We want you to know that we are monitoring the situation closely, we are considering all options for our weekly gatherings, and any updates will be published on social media, through Realm and at

As of this moment on March 12, 2020, we will continue to hold our Sunday worship gatherings at 9:30 and 11am, and we will continue to take precautions to prevent the unnecessary spread of germs.

We encourage everyone to monitor your own health, and to refrain from church activities if you or your children have symptoms of illness.

Here are some general guidelines from the CDC to keep in mind:

• Stay home if you are sick.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Thoughtful precautions are good and helpful, but panic and fear are not.

We serve a risen and reigning Savior who is completely in control, and that should be evident in the way we respond to a crisis like this. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Let’s pray for all those impacted and for the sustained health of our community. And let’s pray with confidence that God is sovereign and at work. Things that seem to us to be worst case scenarios often yield God’s greatest purposes.

Should there be any change to our plan or we have any new information, we will keep you informed through all our communication channels.

With You,
Pastor Chris