What comes to mind when you think of Easter?

Easter is a day to remember the truths of the gospel that I should celebrate daily. Jesus died and rose to life again. Christ took the wrath and punishment that I deserve, His resurrection is the assurance that I am no longer dead in my sin, but alive through Him. If He didn’t rise again, I have no hope.

Unfortunately, if I am honest…my heart tends to grow calloused to these truths we celebrate at Easter. ‘Jesus died and rose again’. My entire life rests on that statement. But somehow it becomes like white noise to me… Upon hearing it, I mentally affirm it to be true, but doesn’t that statement deserve more than just a shallow level of mental affirmation?

This Easter, I want that statement to pierce through my calloused heart. I want to revel in the beauty of His resurrection as if I’m hearing it for the first time. As I draw near to Him and to the community He has placed in my life, I know He is faithful to transform my cold heart into a soft heart that deeply rejoices in the truths of Easter in a new way.  My hope this Easter is that the same power that raised Jesus to life again would revive my calloused heart to behold the glory of Easter like never before!

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 or 10:45am!


8890 Snowy Owl Rd. 

Ooltewah, TN 37363

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