Here’s your first Family Time Activity for the Summer! Read it over to familiarize yourself with the passage and activity. Look at your schedule for the week, pick a day when you can do the activity, and communicate it to your family.

Scripture: Matthew 7:25-27photo

Supplies: Bible; building blocks are best, legos will work; bean bag chair, pillow or other cushy surface (to represent the sand), and hard surface such as the floor or a table.

Step 1: Tell the kids you’re all going to build a house with blocks. The first house should be built on a solid surface such as the floor or a table. Have fun with it.

Step 2: Then ask them to build a second house, only this time you want them to build it on the cushy surface. Keep the first house intact.

Step 3: Introduce the Bible story: “Jesus told a story about two houses.” Then read the passage.
When you read about the rain and the wind, have them make rain and wind noises!
When you read about the house on the rock, pound the floor to show the house doesn’t fall.
When you read about the house on the sand, shake or pound the foundation of that house until it falls over!

Now ask some questions:
1. Why did the first house stay standing during the storm? Why did the second house fall down?
2. What is the firm foundation Jesus was talking about? (obeying his commands/word)
3. Why do you think Jesus wants us to obey his word?
4. How can we learn more about knowing and obeying Jesus’ word?

Pretty simple! I’m sure you’ll come up with more questions as you talk about the story with your kids! The most important part is to have fun with it and enjoy your time together.

Wrap up your time by praying together.

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 or 10:45am!


8890 Snowy Owl Rd. 

Ooltewah, TN 37363

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