It’s Thursday of spring break for many families. By this point, cabin fever may be setting in for the kids leaving mom and dad to try to figure out ways to entertain them for the next four days.

At Two Rivers Church, we believe the relationship between parents and their kids lays the foundation for their kids’ relationship with Jesus. To help you build those relationships – and to get rid of some of the boredom – we’ve come up with a few ideas for you to make some memories in the final days of spring break.

Hit up Sonic at bedtime.

Get the kids ready for bed and then, right as they’re thinking you’re about to tuck them in, race down to the car and surprise them with a Sonic run. Yeah, it’s a little late, but nothing says spring break like pumping your kids full of sugar past their bedtime! Plus, milkshakes are half priced after 8pm!

Make a fire in the backyard and roast hot dogs and s’mores!

Spring is fire season. Nothing says great weather and memories than hanging out around a fire with the whole family. You could even go one step further and invite the neighbors over! Jesus was all about investing in relationships and then pointing people to his father through those relationships. Fire and food is an easy win!

Ring and Run!

Do you remember playing ding dong ditch as a kid? We’d ring someone’s doorbell and run just to mess with them. This is a new twist that takes that idea but actually allows us to treat our friends. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Pick a family.
  2. Put together a fun gift with snacks, treats or games. Have the kids help you come up with ideas.
  3. Pile the family in the car and deliver the package.
  4. Have one or all the kids go ring the doorbell and then run and hide!

The family will get a random reason to hang out together while you and your family will get a memory for years to come.

Those are our ideas. We’d love to hear from you about what you’re doing with your family to make spring break memorable. Let us know in the comments of this post on our Facebook page. Enjoy the time with your family and we’ll see you Sunday!

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 or 10:45am!


8890 Snowy Owl Rd. 

Ooltewah, TN 37363

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