by Jon Teague | May 19, 2016 | News
Two Rivers Chattanooga Spring 2016 Update It’s been another rich, busy ministry season! Here’s an update on how God has been moving and answering our prayers since the new year: We wanted to lay a solid foundation for many of our new believers, as well as help remind...
by Jon Teague | Apr 18, 2016 | News, Resources, Teaching Series
We concluded our teaching series through Nehemiah by building a “What If” wall. On each brick were written prayers, dreams, heart cries. These are the things God has put on the hearts of the people of Two Rivers Church Chattanooga. But those prayers will...
by Jon Teague | Apr 5, 2016 | News
Have you ever overheard a conversation unintentionally? Sometimes we accidentally eavesdrop and really, really wish we hadn’t heard the exchange. Familiar with the phrase, “TMI”? Too. Much. Information. It happens. It’s unpleasant. No one enjoys it. But sometimes we...
by Jonathan Carone | Mar 31, 2016 | News
It’s Thursday of spring break for many families. By this point, cabin fever may be setting in for the kids leaving mom and dad to try to figure out ways to entertain them for the next four days. At Two Rivers Church, we believe the relationship between parents...
by Jon Teague | Mar 4, 2016 | News
In our study of Nehemiah, we have been challenged to say, “Yes!” to God. Nehemiah stepped out in faith and followed God’s calling on his life to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. One Sunday, Pastor Jon challenged us to be attentive to opportunities God gives us to join him in...