What have we been up to? So glad you asked…

What have we been up to? So glad you asked…

Two Rivers Chattanooga Spring 2016 Update It’s been another rich, busy ministry season! Here’s an update on how God has been moving and answering our prayers since the new year: We wanted to lay a solid foundation for many of our new believers, as well as help remind...
Delightfully Overheard

Delightfully Overheard

Have you ever overheard a conversation unintentionally? Sometimes we accidentally eavesdrop and really, really wish we hadn’t heard the exchange. Familiar with the phrase, “TMI”? Too. Much. Information.  It happens. It’s unpleasant. No one enjoys it. But sometimes we...
Saying Yes

Saying Yes

In our study of Nehemiah, we have been challenged to say, “Yes!” to God. Nehemiah stepped out in faith and followed God’s calling on his life to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. One Sunday, Pastor Jon challenged us to be attentive to opportunities God gives us to join him in...