Am I God's Enemy?

Am I God's Enemy?

I’ve never had any legitimate enemies, which a small part of me regrets because I think it would have made things more exciting. Sure there have been people I didn’t like – there was that one guy in college I couldn’t stand, but he wasn’t a true enemy, he was just...
Driving Toward Grace

Driving Toward Grace

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, I am a 6.4 driver – on a good day. At least that is the joke that a few of my friends and I run with. Really…it’s not that I am that bad of a driver, it’s just that I get terribly distracted. The moment the...
Family Time Activity – Week of July 17

Family Time Activity – Week of July 17

Change. We see it in our kids as they get taller and grow out of their clothes and shoes! We also see them changing emotionally and intellectually. And we pray for the opportunity to see them grow and change spiritually as well. That’s what this week’s...